The given project task is to create an interactive interface that will either help travelers to get from A to B or to design an interactive experience for the travelers in order to improve the the current travel experience or to create a new kind of travel experience.
After deciding on the usergroup, we want to focus on during the project (- which will be tourists in stockholm in our case), we discussed which type of data gatharing methods we want to use. In order to get a broad range of insights and to be able to identify as many problems with the current system as possible, we want collect qualitative data and thereby to perform triangulation - study the field of our task (public transporation in Stockholm) from diffrent perspectives.
The aim of our fieldstudies is to explore the issues around transporation in Stockholm (especially connected to our target group) and to understand the activities of the user before, during and after the travel and their context. Therefore we decided both to conduct interviews with people from our target group as well as to perform direct observations on the field (in Slussen, on the boat and in Allmänna Gränd ) - methodological triangulation.
During the exercise session we also ideated on questions for the interviews. As we aim to have semi-structured interview, the questions are listed in the following part are only meant as a basic script for guidance. The interviews will be conducted by all group members on Sunday (20th September). The goup members will form groups of 2-3 and each group will seperatly interview people from our target group - investigator triangulation. The interview will be audio recorded and transcripted and analyzed afterwards. Interviews will take place at the ferry stations in Slussen and Allmänna Gränd as well as on the ferry itself at diffrent times - triangulation of data.The state-of-the-arts-analysis will be done on the SL-App, the SL-Homepage and Google Maps. An analysis of further relevant technologies might be conducted after inquiring the users about other technologies they preferably use.
user group: Tourists in Stockholm
route: Slussen - Allmänna Gränd (Ferry)
data gathering: Interview, direct observation
Interview Questions
- Gender: __m __f
- Age:
- Tourist: __yes __no, but_________
- Where are you from?
- How long have you been in Stockholm?
- How often do you travel with public transportation? __1-2*per week __3-5*per week __daily
- Which public transport do you prefer? __ bus __pendeltag __metro __boat __....
- Why?
- What do yo like about it?
- Why did you choose this type of transport?
- Why don't to use the tourist boat?
- Where did you get the information from to plan your journey?
- Was there enough information to plan properly?
- What additional information did you wish to have?
- Was it hard to find the boat?
- What are you expectation on the journey? Did the journey live up to your expectation?
- How did you feel during your journey?
- What did you love about the trip?
- What did you like?
- What did you hate about the trip?
- What did you dislike?
- What kind of improvement would you propose?
- What problems occur before/during/after the journey?
- What diffrences do you see between the public transportion system in Stockholm and the one in your home country?
- What do you like about the transportation system in Stockholm? What do you dislike?
- How would you design public transportation, if you get the chance to redesign it as you want?
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