Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Notes Seminar 2 - Jonas Masko

Evaluations, the DECIDE framework (cha 13):

  1. Goals
    The target group and what they want with the product. This is critical to be able to evaluate the final product.
  2. Questions
    Break down the major goal into smaller parts by continually asking "why", giving a set of questions to be answred by gathering data. Which leads to finding a...
  3. Method!
    A suitable method to evaluate the product. This needs to be adjusted to the context it is used.
  4. Practical Issues
    Budget questions? Are the group of people participating gin user studies relevant? Enough time? Expertice sufficient? etc...
  5. Ethical Issues
    Mostly targeted towards the participants. Have they been treated correctly, paid enough, kept their anonymity, contract signed? etc...
  6. Final Evaluation
    Time to evaluate the data and result. The result and data should also be able to be presented at this point. Key aspects to evaluate are: biases, reliability, scope & validity.
Different evaluation methods (cha 15):
Analyze the results without a user using heuristic evaluation or walktrough can be done consulting an expert. Walkthrough can involve both expert and user.

Heuristic evaluation evaluates EVERYTHING (real world correlation, standards, consistent, error avoiding, efficiency, memory...). First you brief the participant what is gonna happen and what is evaluated. Experts can initially show "how it's done".

Analytic: Analyzing the user using secret logging (can be an ethical issue...) and then analyzing it afterwards.

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