Thursday, October 1, 2015

Our two proposals after brainstorming

After brainstorming we arrived at five different ideas for our project.

1. Improved ticket machine with a map A->B and a bigger focus on tourists.
2. Stationary screen sign.
3. Mirror in hotel, which also can present directions similar to a screen.
4. A sign where you can see where the buses are.
5. Digital map that works like a physical fold-able map.

After more discussion we started thinking about the conceptual design for the project. We combined our brainstorming ideas and decided on two good idea. We combined idea 1 & 2 for our first idea and the second idea was idea 5.

So our two proposals are:

1. Improved ticket machine with ability to print a map with directions (and ferry/bus/trail stations).

The reasoning behind this is:
  • Users used physical maps to get about, but often needed to ask for directions.
  • Users stopped at stationary maps to try to plan their next route. 
  • Only some users used their phone to help with getting directions (google maps). 
Including a map of their current were about on ticket machines and click to where they want to travel and get directions in how to get there will solve these problems. An ability to print the directions (or a QR code to a generated route on google maps, though few users depended on their phone) will help the user to get around easier.

This would be distributed on a physical interfaces - a tourist information "sign" or in the SL ticket machines. This fits our initial ideas.

2. A digital map which functions similar to a physical map (fold-able)

The reasoning behind this is:
  • Users used physical maps to get about, but often needed to ask for directions.
  • Users sometimes used apps in their phone (Google maps)
A combination of these results in a map with fold-able digital material which works like a physical map, but is connected with your smartphone/gets data from a computer. In this way, you can see your current location, as well as your destination / points of interest, and still have the physical map experience.

This material can suit our needs:

This would be a new kind of "gadget" for people who travels a lot.

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